lpl pingtuan Приложения

Ashley was born 1.0.0
lpl pingtuan
Darcy was ten months pregnant, and she couldmeet her baby Darcy. She was very happy, now ask you to help Darcycheck it.
Poor baby 1.0.3
lpl pingtuan
Emily's little baby is very healthy, theresult is bad for the bad guys to give him magic, baby suddenlychanged, this can be nasty Emily. Fortunately, the baby doctor cancure.
Vampire murder 1.0.0
lpl pingtuan
Vampires were struck in the dark night, inorder to turn these people into vampires or to kill vampires. Theywere fired, and the attack on the people, this time should bespared.
Monster eat candy 1.0.0
lpl pingtuan
Eating candy monster, this time to bringthenew levels, or so fond of sweets, but mother to candy and putitall in place, it could not reach, it can only helplesslylookingat. Now, as long as you help, it can to eat candy, happy.Manyprops, come to think about how to do it.
Catch ghost master 1.0.0
lpl pingtuan
You are a catch ghost master, recent siteofthe Pharaoh found you, their site there often haunted, requestyouto help in addition to a ghost, now the ghost is very arrogant,bigday dare out to scare people, using hand grenades and ghost gun,tosoothe all all the little ghost.
Reversed robot 1.0.0
lpl pingtuan
Two wheeled robot and single wheel robot inthegame who first reached the place of each other, but the road isnotsmooth, now up to you to help them clear away all obstaclesandpaved a smooth road, and then commanded, who went to theend.
Injured Carina mom 1.0.4
lpl pingtuan
Carina pregnant fast ten months, when you goout for a walk, accidentally injured, the situation is very urgent,and now she is in urgent need of medical treatment, please help thedoctor to Carina do first aid.